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Curtis Memorial Library is Certified Sustainable

March 7, 2023

Curtis Memorial Library is Certified Sustainable

The Sustainable Libraries Initiative recognizes Curtis Memorial Library as a leader in sustainability.

Brunswick, ME - March 2, 2023  –  Curtis Memorial Library is pleased to announce that it has been designated a “Certified Sustainable Library” through the Sustainable Libraries Initiative’s Sustainable Library Certification Program. Curtis is the first library outside of the program’s home state of New York to complete the program. This certification highlights the role Curtis Memorial Library plays as a leader in sustainability in the Midcoast area.   

“Curtis Memorial Library has demonstrated a commitment to sustainability at an impressive level,” said Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, Co-Founder and Advisory Board President of the Sustainable Libraries Initiative, “They are early adopters of this work in the field and in their community and are helping to lead the way to create a vibrant, future-focused library that is contributing to community resilience both locally and globally.” 

In alignment with the Triple Bottom Line definition of sustainability, Curtis has demonstrated leadership not only in environmental sustainability, but also in advancing social equity and financial sustainability. The extensive range of programming found at Curtis displays the attention their staff pays to educating and serving their community with compassion and dignity for all. This commitment to sustainability is also highlighted through Curtis’ relationships with local community organizations, including Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program, Brunswick Housing Authority, and Midcoast Indigenous Awareness Group.  “All of these connections have been very helpful in raising public awareness about the Library and how it can support community initiatives,” said Curtis' Executive Director, Elisabeth Doucett. 

Curtis Memorial Library is among a growing number of libraries nationwide that are participating in the Sustainable Library Certification Program, the first of its kind in the world. This benchmarking program was developed to assist libraries of all kinds - public, academic, and individual school librarians - to create opportunities to make better choices on behalf of the local and global community. The program has been recognized by the International Federation of Library Associations at their 2019 World Congress in Athens, Greece, becoming the first program in the United States to be honored through their “Green Libraries” Award. 

Founded in 1883 as the Brunswick Public Library Association, Curtis Memorial Library is celebrating 140 years of serving the readers of Brunswick and later Harpswell, Maine.

To learn more about Curtis’ Sustainable Library Certification, visit 

To learn more about sustainability at Curtis Memorial Library visit 

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