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July 17, 2014 < BACK
Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Arts of Medieval Spain Lecture 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM Thornton Oaks Retirement Community, 25 Thornton Way , Brunswick

Sarah Lawrence College presents: Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Arts of Medieval Spain on Thursday, July 17, from 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. at Thornton Oaks Retirement Community, 25 Thornton Way, Brunswick. The lecture is free and open to anyone interested in attending.

The speaker will be Jerrilyn Dodds, Dean of Sarah Lawrence College and a scholar of art history and expert in the field.

“My work is about how different groups within a society, especially minorities, express identity through art. It’s a take on post-colonial theories of art, which suggest that there’s never one stable identity, that we are all constantly transforming as we encounter one another,” says Dr. Dodds, who will illustrate the talk with slides.

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