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April 28, 2022 < BACK
Webinar: Transparency Requirements for Group Health Plans: A Focus on Vendor Relationships 12:00 PM Webinar , Falmouth

The Healthcare Purchaser Alliance of Maine is hosting a webinar: "Transparency Requirements for Group Health Plans, A focus on Vendor Relationships".

In this webinar, which will be hosted jointly by the HPA, Verrill, and MAME, we will be joined by Chris Lockman, a Partner at Verrill, for a discussion regarding how certain aspects of the Transparency in Coverage Final Regulations and Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), 2021 affect employer-sponsored health plans and their vendor relationships. In addition to discussing plan sponsor compliance, Chris will discuss how plan sponsors can leverage the new laws and regulatory guidance to reduce the overall costs of sponsoring a group health plan. Specifically, this webinar will outline how a plan sponsor should use the new laws and regulatory guidance to:
• Create a checklist of provisions that should be added to your Administrative Services Agreement (ASA);
• Ensure that your broker and consultant relationships provide appropriate value;
• And prepare for — and protect against — future litigation regarding the cost of healthcare

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