Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM - 5 PM - Phone (207) 725-8797


Private Pilot Ground School

January 5, 2012

Maine Coastal Flight at the Brunswick Executive Airport, has scheduled their next Private Pilot Ground School to begin on March 8 through May 24. This is for anyone who would like to learn to fly, or for existing pilots who would like a refresher in the regulations.

The 12-week, one night per week Ground School will be held in our classroom at the Brunswick Executive Airport - Hangar 6 (follow the signs for FlightLevel Aviation) on Thursday evenings from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The cost is $185 for the class and $100 for the Ground School kit which contains the books and supplies used in the class.

Register NOW, we look forward to hearing from you. Maine Coastal Flight 207-664-6000

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