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Woolwich, a town of 2,810 residents, which covers an area of approximately 20,000 acres, sits to the east of the Kennebec River, Nequasset Pond, a large pond nearly two miles in length and up to three quarters of a mile wide, liesWoolwich Bay slightly to the south of the town center.

Celebrating its 250th birthday in 2009, Woolwich is home to many historic buildings, some of which are on the National Register of Historic Places. Lt. John Hathorn house, c. 1784, the Jonathan Preble house, c. 1777 and the Woolwich Town House, built in 1837, is also on the National Register. The town actively participates in historic preservation efforts.

With its rolling, wooded terrain and peaceful waterways, Woolwich offers a peaceful, natural environment for those who live there.

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