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August 17, 2012 < BACK
MaineBiz Editor to Speak at ACE Monthly Meeting 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM Portland Country Club, Rt 88 , Falmouth, Maine

Off the Cuff, but on the Record: Some perspective on Maine’s changing business landscape and what opportunities it holds for consultants. Presented by Carol Coultas, editor of Mainebiz. The Association for Consulting Expertise (ACE) is a non-profit association of independent consultants

 Carol will give us her look forward on the state of Maine's bus iness, based on her unique viewpoint. Carol and ACE President Geoff Lamdin had a most interesting discussion over coffee. Apart from sharing stories of arrival in Maine, Geoff asked her if she could take a look at the business landscape in Maine as if she were standing atop Mt. Katahdin. Could she survey and look into the coming year? Would she share with us HER observations and prognostications? Yes!

They agreed that looking at the past was just that, looking backward. They agreed it would be far more interesting and valuable to look at and talk about Maine's business landscape going forward. What are the opportunities that we have in Maine? Where have we established beachheads for some of these opportunities? What are the hidden gems that are already here? And , how can we all participate in building a more solid, long-term economy
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