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April 24, 2014 < BACK
Social Security Rescue Seminar 5:45 PM American Legion, 200 Congress St. , Bath

Walt Reynolds and Bob Frank will be hosting a Social Security Rescue Seminar on Thursday April 24th at 5:45pm at the American Legion Smith Tobey Post at 200 Congress St. in Bath. Our guest speaker will be Tom Wright, a national speaker and educator on Social Security issues. The program is geared for those approaching retirement who are in their mid to late 50s as well as those in their early to mid 60s who have not yet started to take their Social Security. The roughly 1 hour presentation will highlight many different strategies to maximize Social Security income for both married couples as well as single individuals. Information will help couples and individuals to be able to pinpoint the best time to start taking income. There will be a question and answer session following the presentation. If you or any of your associates, friends, or family members could benefit from this program, please contact Walt or Bob at Ship Shape Financial at 406-4086. This is a complimentary event but seating is limited so please call to reserve your seats.

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