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August 15, 2023 < BACK
Healthcare Bills Employers Need to Know 12:00 PM Webinar , Falmouth

Join the Healthcare Purchaser Alliance of Maine on August 15th from 12:00—1:00 PM EST as we delve into the outcomes of Maine's 131st Legislative Session with Lisa Nolan, the Healthcare Purchaser Alliance's Director of Value-Based Purchasing and Legislative Affairs. With over 2,000 bills introduced during this session, Lisa will focus on approximately two dozen of them that could have a direct impact on employee benefits and Maine's healthcare system.

What to Expect:

• Overview of Key Bills: Lisa will provide a comprehensive overview of the key bills related to employee benefits and Maine's healthcare system that were introduced during the 131st Legislative Session.

• Legislative Progress: Gain valuable insights into the current status of these bills within the legislative process. Lisa will discuss their progress, potential amendments, and the likelihood of passage.

• Impact on Employers: Understand how these legislative measures can affect employers in Maine. Explore potential changes to existing benefits, compliance requirements, and any cost implications for businesses.

• Healthcare System Implications: Delve into the effects of these bills on Maine's healthcare system. Discover potential changes and their impact on the healthcare market in the state.

• Interactive Q&A Session: Engage directly with Lisa Nolan during a dedicated Q&A session. Seek clarification, share insights, and gain a deeper understanding of the legislative impacts.


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