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August 21, 2013 < BACK
Hidden Opportunities in the Affordable Care Act for Small Businesses: Business Success Seminar 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Topsham Public Library, 25 Foreside Rd. , Topsham, Maine

The runaway Costs of Employee Benefits...What you're not hearing about Health Care Reform. Hidden within the confusion of the Affordable Care Act are enormous opportunities for your business to improve employee's coverage while reducing costs! Learn how to take advantage and save money!

Ship Shape Financial welcomes  Justin Holmes, , Inform LLC, as he discusses the opportunities to be found within the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act. He will provide insights into cost-savings strategies and employee benefits options, as he discusses real-world examples on how Inform LLC has been able to reduce employee benefits costs for Maine businesses, like yours, and to actually improve your benefits package.

Learn how to:

Lower health insurance costs to both the business and the employees

Reduce the time requirement and administrative hassle, found with employee benefits

Ensure their compliance with the ACA mandates, HIPAA, ERISA and IRS requirements

Enable you, the employer to define the company's benefits costs


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