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August 19, 2015 < BACK
Small Business Success Seminar: THE BRUNSWICK SEWER DISTRICT IS A MONOPLOLY-WHAT DOES IT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT!! 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Topsham Public Library, 25 Foreside Rd. , Topsham, Maine


Being a monopoly is not all it is cracked up to be. A business is a business and must be managed and operated as one.

Come listen and enjoy light refreshments, to what is involved for the Brunswick Sewer District in planning for its future and its development of a district-wide strategic plan. How it is dealing with its challenges. We believe you will be amazed at the similarity in planning, forecasting, budgeting, cost control and revenue concerns that are all too common in a private for-profit business.

We cannot take anything for granted. We must serve our customers and community 24/7. We must make sure that all of our facilities work and are there when needed. How does a sewer system designed to handle less than 4 million gallons a day deal with 11 million gallon per day storm events? How do we get the community and our ratepayers involved and supportive?

How do we sustain our revenue? Set rates that are fair, that support the district’s needs-yet remain affordable (you will notice I did not say ‘competitive’)?

We manage a very unique and interesting business, though its needs are not much different than any other business. We must plan for change and adapt to it. Come learn how the Brunswick Sewer District is meeting its challenges. What will a future wastewater treatment plant look like?

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