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April 19, 2012 < BACK
Free Disaster Training 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM American Red Cross, 16 Community Way , Topsham, Maine


What would you do if you were faced with an emergency situation such as a neighbor’s house burning or a natural disaster such as a flood or a severe winter storm resulting in the need for emergency shelters?  Many people would have the natural instinct to help in such instances.  The desire to take action, coupled with appropriate disaster training from the American Red Cross, will lead to safe, helpful, appreciated and much needed results. 

The Mid Coast American Red Cross provides emergency shelter, food, clothing and first aid to meet basic human needs in response to disasters large and small.  This spring, several disaster response training courses are open to the public and are designed primarily for those individuals wishing to begin or continue training required to: assist with local Red Cross emergency shelter operations; to become a member of our National Disaster Services Human Resources (DSHR) System; or to assist local fire victims as members of our local Red Cross Disaster Action Team (DAT).

DAT members are specially-trained volunteers who are available to respond to emergencies like house fires, flooding, winter storms, and other natural or man-made disasters.  DAT members work with those affected by the disaster by supplying shelter, food, and clothing.  They provide referrals for additional assistance like health and mental health services. DAT members may also choose to volunteer for national deployments on wide-spread disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes.

Red Cross disaster training is provided free of charge.  You may register by phone no later than two business days prior to the start of the course by calling 207-729-6779 or by email at  Pre-registration is required at least 48 hours in advance of the day of the training. 

The following trainings will be offered at the Mid Coast Chapter office located at 16 Community Way, Topsham:

March 1, (6-9pm): The training series begins with Disaster Services; an Overview.  This introductory session explains how disasters affect people and communities and will provide information about ways participants can help their community, using Red Cross guiding principles, to prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies and disasters. Participants also learn about volunteer opportunities with the Mid Coast Chapter.  Anyone wishing to attend a later training session should consider this training as a pre-requisite for other trainings offered by the Mid Coast Chapter.

March 15, (6-9pm): Shelter Operations will give participants an overview of the American Red Cross policies and procedures for setting up, running and closing a shelter during a disaster.  Required prerequisite:  Disaster Services; an Overview.

April 3, (6-9pm):  Client Casework:  Providing Emergency Assistance- Part 1 of 2.  This course is designed to train Red Cross caseworkers how to conduct effective client interviews and provide appropriate assistance to help meet a client’s immediate disaster-caused or disaster aggravated needs.   Required prerequisite:  Disaster Services; an Overview.

April 12, (6-9pm):  Client Casework:  Providing Emergency Assistance- Part 2. This session will complete the training for caseworkers helping those faced with disaster related needs, focusing on the skills and documentation requirements of this critically important position.   Required prerequisite:  Disaster Services; an Overview and Client Casework Part 1.

April 19, (6-9pm):  Psychological First Aid.  Providing a framework for understanding the factors that affect stress responses in disaster relief workers and the clients they serve is the focus of this session.  Required prerequisite:  Disaster Services; an Overview.

May 3, (6-9pm):  Disaster Assessment Basic. The purpose of this course is to provide a general overview of the tasks performed by Red Cross Disaster Assessment workers in support of a disaster relief operation or a local disaster incident such as a single or multi-family fire.  Required prerequisite:  Disaster Services; an Overview

The American Red Cross, a humanitarian organization led by volunteers and guided by its Congressional Charter and the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross Movement, will provide relief to victims of disaster and help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies.

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